268 pàgines
ISBN 978-84-947566-1-0
Enquadernació en rústica cosida
Articles en anglès i francès
Edited by Görge K. Hasselhoff and Alexander Fidora
48,00 €
Al segle XIII, el dominicà català Ramon Martí esdevingué el prototip de missioner ben format que, havent estudiat de primera mà les fonts i les tradicions de l’islam i el judaisme, sabé trobar arguments útils per a les controvèrsies religioses.
The knowledge of both Arabic and Hebrew distinguishes Ramon Martí (ca. 1220 – ca. 1285) among the theologians of his century and turn the Catalan Dominican into the prototype of a well-trained missionary, who has first-hand access to the sources and traditions of his interlocutors, where he found the argumentative resources for his polemics. The present book is a pilot study for the edition of Ramon Martí’s chef d’oeuvre, his monumental Pugio fidei, which is fundamental for the history of Christian-Jewish and faith-reason polemics. The volume collects codicological analyses, doctrinal studies and text editions by Philippe Bobichon, Alexander Fidora, Ann Giletti, Görge K. Hasselhoff, Ryan Szpiech, Eulàlia Vernet i Pons, Syds Wiersma and Yosi Yisraeli.
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